Wealth-Focused Policy
Introduced in 2017, this policy issues recommendations based only upon the objective to protect and enhance the wealth of investors. “Stakeholder capitalism” proposals will be opposed by this policy. Opposed policies include those aimed at promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and those aimed at environmental protection, including scope 1, 2, and 3 carbon-neutral proposals. Exceptions only exist when proposals are directly tailored to revenue generation.
Company executives and board members may support policies that are opposed by the wealth-focused policy. These individuals may also oppose policies that are supported by the wealth-focused policy. The wealth-focused policy allows for consideration of prior or anticipated action of executives and board members during their election. The policy was previously named "conservative."
Standard Policy
Introduced in 2002, the standard policy is the longest-dated policy we offer. As our most popular policy too, the Standard Policy offers a “balanced” approach. This is the right policy to choose if you want something in between the ESG policy and the Wealth-Focused policy.
The policy will support some carbon-neutral and environmental protection proposals. The policy is particularly responsive to governance issues. For example, in the opinion of this policy and other policies, the board should be comprised two-thirds independent directors. An independent director, by definition, has no material relationship with the Company other than his or her directorship. This avoids the potential for conflict of interest.
Taft-Hartley Policy
Introduced circa 2005, the Taft-Hartley policy is similar to the ESG policy, in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as environmental goals.
Taft-Hartley client accounts are governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”), which enumerates rules under which pension fund assets must be managed and invested. The U.S. Department of Labor has stated that proxy voting rights are valuable plan assets, which must be exercised in accordance with the fiduciary duties of loyalty and prudence. While the duty of loyalty requires that the voting fiduciary exercise proxy voting authority solely in the economic interest of participants and plan beneficiaries, the duty of prudence requires that proxy voting authority be exercised with care, skill, prudence and diligence that a similarly situated prudent person knowledgeable in such matters would exercise.
Catholic Policy
Introduced in 2014, the Catholic Policy complies with the principles of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (“USCCB”). Catholic client accounts are governed by the Principles for USCCB Investments, which enumerate rules under which investments must be managed and invested through strategies that seek to avoid participation in harmful activities, to use the role of stockholder for social stewardship, and to promote the common good.
This policy, like the principles of the USCCB upon which it is based, address issues that affect long-term shareholder value, while considering workplace issues that may have an impact on long-term economic best interests of participants and beneficiaries. This includes corporate policies that affect job security, wage levels, local economic development, corporate responsibility, workplace safety, and environmental safety.
Custom Policy
Our custom policy is entirely flexible. Customers interested in this policy typically use one of our existing policies and make changes to meet their indiosyncratic investment needs.
For example, a shareholder may take our ESG / SRI guideline and choose to vote "withhold" on all proposals for scope-3 carbon neutrality, but vote "for" on all other carbon neutral proposals.
Further, a shareholder may vote in favor ofan auditor despite signifcant non-auditing revenue generated from the company. Whatever your approach may be, we are happy to walk you through a custom policy and change our guidelines to match.
We can issue all or some of your proxy votes on your behalf. All votes are tracked in our portal system. You'll see upcoming votes, our recommendations, and our rationale. You will retain the ability to override our votes.
By partnering with us, you can have confidence that your proxy votes will be accurately and timely cast, and that your interests as a shareholder will be represented effectively.
(646) 883-9898
1120 Avenue of the Americas
4th Floor
New York, NY 10036